Data analytics builder
for tracking strategy progress


Cascade Strategy

Project type

Web application


End-to-end product design


Cascade Strategy is a strategy execution tool for business to facilitate planning, execution, and tracking their strategy.

The company has made the decision to undertake a comprehensive rewrite of the product for the next generation. As part of my team's responsibilities, we are in charge of building a user-friendly dashboard that is able to create visualised data to monitor progress and analyse data for their strategy insight.

We aim to improve the dashboard due to the complex and non-intuitive user flow within the dashboard in the current generation.


The dashboard in current generation has two big problems :

  1. High abandonment rate (42%) while creating a new chart by complex user flow and not intuitive interaction, impacting low retention rate.

  2. Lost customer deals by not enough flexibility and range of options to create charts.


So our goals for the next generation are :

  1. Immediate value delivery by building charts experience in the quick and easy ways.

  2. Expandable features for users to tailor their experience to their evolving needs, enhancing their satisfaction and engagement as they become more proficient.

What caused the problems..?


To gather insights on the pain-points and needs, I conducted a series of moderated interviews with our existing customers who utilize the current generation dashboard and our internal Customer Success Management (CSM) team. And I categorized user needs by each tasks on affinity diagram.

Usability tests

To understand where exactly the users are struggling to complete their tasks, I conducted usability tests based on the insights of the interviews and analyze the reason of the problems.


Based on the interviews, two personas are identified.

Early/casual users

Role/position in an organisation

  • Individual contributors

  • Operators

  • Team managers

  • Executives

Proficiency in Cascade

  • Not familiar with what Cascade is capable

  • Users on 4 days free trial or Premium plan with limited features (less than 2 months after 14 days free trial)

  • Don’t have much data sources in Cascade yet

  • Might not be a tech savvy

User needs/behavior in the dashboard

  • Want to understand what the dashboard capable to figure out if Cascade is valuable to keep using

Power/migration users

Role/position in an organisation

  • Team managers

  • Executives

  • Data analysts

  • Risk managers

Proficiency in Cascade

  • Familiar with the dashboard features in the current generation, and expect better than that

  • Premium or Enterprise users who have been using Cascade for over 6 months

  • Have enough data sources in Cascade

User needs/behavior in the dashboard

  • Want to customize charts to have the best dashboard for their data visualization in multiple purposes

How might we allow users to easily understand how to create a new chart?

Solution directions


  • To deliver a clear understanding of the value they can derive from the dashboard

  • To empower users to have learning exercise by exploring the dashboard's functionalities and content

  • To allow users to make informed decisions about maximizing the value they extract from the dashboard

Streamlined Workflow

  • By minimizing unnecessary steps, reducing cognitive load, and eliminating friction points, a streamlined workflow empowers users to accomplish their tasks quickly and seamlessly

  • This promotes a sense of confidence and control, leading to greater user satisfaction and engagement, which can unlock higher user adoption rates

Clarity of Interaction

  • To deliver a tangible understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between user's actions and the resulting changes

  • To allow users to easily rearrange, reposition, or dashboard layout while configuring data and chart types

  • To empower users to experiment, iterate, and fine-tune their interactions, leading to a deeper understanding of the system's capabilities and a sense of control and confidence to customize charts

Pros and cons

Defining the main user flow and wireframes for visualizing the desired user experience and understanding the associated pros, cons, and technical constraints. This process allows the team for effective planning and consideration of factors that can impact the successful execution of the roadmap.



After analyzing the pros and cons, taking into account factors such as technical limitations, user mutuality, adoptability, and product scalability, we have made the decision to prioritize the release of widget templates, followed by the custom chart builder, and hold the dashboard templates in this stage.

This strategic approach ensures a gradual and effective rollout of features based on their respective benefits and the overall roadmap objectives.

User journey

I created a user journey considering user needs and the availability of different data sources based on their stage in the onboarding/learning the product. By providing relevant and accessible data sources, we aim to ensure that users can quickly derive value from the dashboard and gradually progress towards becoming power users.

Final Design Solutions

Widget templates

The Widget library offers a variety of commonly used charts across industries. The new design guides users to easily find the desired chart through categorizing tabs on the left side, while providing a thumbnail and description for a clearer understanding of each chart's function and appearance.

The chart configuration process within the widget library can be completed with just a couple of clicks, as the chart type and data source are pre-configured for optimal use. Users can quickly add charts to their dashboard and discover the capabilities and value within the product.

I have prioritized design principles for data visualization considering accessibility during the chart design process. Each widget has been crafted to fulfill its specific purpose, ensuring that users can efficiently visualize and interpret the data.

chart builder

The custom chart builder occupies the entire screen, allowing users to view all the elements involved in configuring a chart without hidden elements. This comprehensive view helps users understand what to do for creating a chart at a glance.

Additionally, the UI incorporates clear indicators for active and inactive states, enabling users to quickly identify where to begin.

After selecting the data source as the first step, the input fields become active, allowing users to enter their data.

Depending on the chosen chart type and data source, the available configuration options for creating a chart vary. The user interface clearly indicates the active and disabled states of the Dimensions and Measures, providing instant visual feedback to users as they explore different chart types and data sources. This enables users to easily understand which options are applicable for their specific chart configuration.

The drag and drop interaction feature empowers users to explore and experiment with creating charts in an intuitive manner, enabling them to customize the data visualization to best suit their intentions. The visual cues of green and blue colors provide guidance on which elements correspond to specific attributes, facilitating a clear understanding of how each element and attribute interact with one another and impact the resulting data visualization. This visual feedback assists users in comprehending the relationship between different elements and attributes, enhancing their ability to create effective and visually appealing charts.


Reducing the
bounce rate


Reducing the bounce rate from 42% to 22% indicates an improvement in user engagement and retention. This metric measures the percentage of users who initially accessed the widget library but did not complete the task of adding a chart. By reducing the abandonment rate, the new design has successfully encouraged more users to complete the chart creation process, resulting in lowered learning curve and increased user satisfaction.

Time savings

(Usability test)

The significant time savings achieved through the new design, reducing the task execution speed to create a new chart from 7-15 minutes to 1-2 minutes on widget template, demonstrate enhanced efficiency and usability. Users can now complete the task more quickly, leading to increased user satisfaction.

User satisfaction


With 100% of users who have experienced the previous version expressing that the new design is more intuitive and easier to use, user satisfaction is at its highest level. This positive feedback indicates that the new design has successfully addressed usability issues and provided a more user-friendly experience, resulting in improved user satisfaction and overall product perception.


The team members are happy 😄
(Feedback in retro)

© 2024 Ariel Kim